
FP Canada Institute™, Now End-to-End.
Now you can choose a single education provider for your path to CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification or QUALIFIED ASSOCIATE FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification from FP Canada®. Trusted. End-to-End. Excellence. That's the FP Canada Institute.
Trusted. End-to-End. Excellence.
The FP Canada InstituteTM, a Division of FP CanadaTM, is a trusted source of professional financial planning education.
A clear improvement over hunting for education paths and courses with multiple providers, the FP Canada Institute now offers end-to-end education that gives learners a clear and efficient route to CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification or QUALIFIED ASSOCIATE FINANCIAL PLANNERTMcertification. New Technical Education courses combined with a Professional Education Program are now available from Canada's most trusted partner in financial planning.

QAFP® Certification, Reimagined.
What are today's wealth builders looking for? Answers go beyond investment recommendations. Clients want up-to-date, holistic plans that guide their entire financial well-being. Advice for today's speed of life. That's the reimagined QAFP® certification.
Advice for today's speed of life.
Life is faster and more complex than it was a generation ago. This changes how individuals and households achieve financial well-being. And while the principles remain the same, financial planning as a profession is evolving too.
The attributes of the reimagined QUALIFIED ASSOCIATE FINANCIAL PLANNERTM designation are an ideal match for this new era. Learning is updated and integrated and learners can register with a single source: FP Canada InstituteTM. This simplifies choices while also accelerating careers. Certificants will have the technical and relationship skills they need to help clients navigate change and growth as their needs become more complex: The perfect scenario for QAFP® professionals who also want to progress to CFP® certification later in their careers.
QAFP® certification has also been approved by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) as a valid credential for individuals using the Financial Planner title in Ontario.
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Certification Education, Accelerated.
Explore new technical education courses, plus new program bundles to help QAFP® certification and CFP® certification candidates accelerate their careers.
Accelerate your financial planning career education.
Individual financial planning courses and end-to-end programs are now available from a single, qualified source: The FP Canada InstituteTM. This is a significant and positive change in your education. No more jumping from educator to educator, no gaps in the learning, no searching and searching for the right courses.
Making choices becomes easier, and that accelerates the learning required for QAFP® certification or CFP® certification. All technical education can be quickly and seamlessly followed by a Professional Education Program from the same source. Put your financial planning career on a better path. Start with technical education from the FP Canada Institute today.
Course Catalogue